Directed, Edited, Photographed and Art Directed by Kwyn Bader
Spring 2013
After a two-year immersion in children’s product marketing at the Walt Disney Company, Kwyn joined up with Pocket Frenz, a start up children’s hoodie venture available on-line and in select shops across the USA.
While fun for all kids, Pocket Frenz especially benefits children who struggle with shyness and separation by building unique tactility, fun characters and gameplay right into the pockets of the clothes - making the comforts of home only a pocket away.
Providing creative consultation and hands on sales and marketing support to its co-creators, co-designers and co-parents Jason and Marni Hefter, Kwyn happened to be at the Hefter home when word was received in the Spring of 2013 the company would be featured on a new Shark Tank-like MSNBC series. Needing to quickly raise capital to meet the anticipated rush of orders to follow, the Hefter's asked if Kwyn could create a Kickstarter campaign video on the spot.
Promised a steak dinner, he borrowed their Flip camera, shot the principals in the best setting their attic could afford and then spent a couple of hours cutting on iMovie to create a sweet little grass roots piece that expresses the heart and soul of the company.
Kwyn with Pocket Frenz co-creator Jason Hefter and his two top models, sons Luke and Travis.
It turned out to be a false alarm. The MSNBC program, through no fault of Pocket Frenz, was cancelled by its network and the need for the Kickstarter campaign was removed. But pieces of the video have been used by the Hefters as the company has continued to grow. In May of 2014, Pocket Frenz was featured on WABC News with Tory Johnson (http://7online.com/shopping/secret-sales-pound-cake-hoodies-and-beach-fun/83434/) with a national feature to follow this coming fall.